Friday, September 08, 2006


MIST (Novel)
Author: Mehmet Unver
Okuyan Us Publishing – Novel - ISBN : 9758420704

At the most exciting age of their life, provocative power of being adolescent pushed them for their first sexual experience. But this delightful dream was ended by iron fist of military junta that took over whole country abruptly. Then they became the witness of execution of innocent youngters in horrible prisons. Actually during seventies whole country was a huge prison that all population were locked up to discover ruthless side of real life, grief, supressed egos, hope, hopelessness besides murders, suicides, tortures and mysterious incidents.


At the age their first sexual experiences took place, they also met the tragic face of murders, deaths, suicides, mysterious incidents and ruthless military junta besides the sweet excitement of being a teenager. As young generation they were preparing for the future but suddenly their country became being ruled by military junta. Consequently university students were killed and more planned to be killed by this merciless dictatorship. This unexpected happening sounded like a joke to our teenagers at the very beginning, but unfortunately it was not.
A troubled country: Turkey: During seventies. A restless nation. Political crisis, university student’s actions, provocations, and angry proletarian movements have been going on for months. Finally military junta takes over the country administration. When generals start to rule with an iron fist public realizes how terrible to live under such a dictator authority. Since whole country surrenders to this despotic power there was no chance of sixties ease and peace to survive and therefore social integrity collapses suddenly. Consequently friends are not friends anymore, and neighbours are not neighbours either. Everyone seems each other as an enemy. The number of telltales of junta among the public increase day by day. Therefore everyone is afraid of unknown fate. This is a burning period for all citizens. Its is hard to believe but in the same family, even between brothers and sisters toleration and affection is over. Future is just a suffocating gray color, and those beautiful days are behind a mist. Public is drifted into dark color of pessimistic clouds because of tortures, arrests and sentences applied by junta to students, proletarians and intellectuals of the country just to intimidate whole population.
As I mentioned before our novel characters are teenage boys and girls whose minds are messed up by ongoing horror in the country. Because junta continues its intimidate policy by executing young university students following a short and subjective judgment period in the military court. Our teenagers realize whole country is a jailhouse that mostly students, prolaterians and intellectuals are locked up.
As well as this confusion and terror in the country our characters have to struggle with emotional storms and revolt in their young hearts triggered by the provocative power of being adolescent. Their strongest connection to life is the fabulous city they reside. Istanbul, the dream city, which is the host of many civilizations and link of two continents. Being a resident of this amazing city is the only solace for them. Unfortunately this dream is about to collapse. Because of unexpected reasons they have to abandon their lovely town to move to a far village. While mass of countryside fellows are migrating from little towns to big cities to seek for a new life, our teenagers had to move to a small and fantastic mountain village where they discover real sexuality, grief, supressed egos, hope, and hopelessness besides murders, suicides and mysterious incidents.
MIST is a novel of seventies restless life in a country which was ruled by merciless military junta that victims were youngsters, sufferers were intellectuals, workers and of course scattered families. Story is told by the eyes of teenagers who discover the sexuality and have to carry on with this ruthless life and burning hearts.
Written by Mehmet Unver (Author)


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